Autistic children and young people often need to know what is going to happen in advance and to follow a certain routine. This is known as an ‘intolerance of uncertainty’. A systematic review (where all the studies on this topic were analysed together) was carried out... read more
There has been quite a lot of research studies carried out to examine if autistic young people are at higher risk of developing anxiety and / or depression. We examined this question in relation to depression in a systematic review. This is basically where we bring... read more
Now it’s back to school time, many neurodivergent young people will be thinking about the difficulties and complexity of the school environment and how they fit in with their peers. We know that children and young people who are neurodivergent often hide their... read more
We know that children and young people (and indeed adults) who are neurodivergent often hide their condition symptoms and this is known as masking or camouflaging. Neurodivergent people often copy their peers’ behaviours and without necessarily understanding these... read more
Research has shown that autistic people often have difficulties explaining themselves or understanding language use, even if they have no additional learning disabilities and this can include subtle language use. Subtle language is where the speaker does not explain... read more
Do you know that feeling of resistance, when someone asks you to do something that you really don’t want to do? This is known as demand avoidance and we all experience it. However, some people have what is known as ‘pathological’ or ‘extreme demand avoidance’... read more